UNICEF Learning Hubs to enhance skills of over 1000 healthcare providers in Eastern & Southern Africa

As part of the strategic partnership between Laerdal Global Health and UNICEF, referral hospitals in Eastern and Southern Africa are being transformed into Learning Hubs. The goal is to enhance the skills of healthcare personnel in the region, improving the care mothers and newborns receive.
Through this collaborative effort, the aim is to establish 5-6 simulation centers and at least two regional training hubs. At least 100 mentors will provide mentorship to their catchment area facilities with 30 sites receiving quarterly clinical mentoring. This means that more than 1000 healthcare providers will be better trained and equipped to care for the 30,000 mothers and newborns who will receive their care.
Recently, our partners from UNICEF facilitated a Training-of-Trainers (ToT) at the Neghist Eleni Mohammed Memorial Hospital Learning Hub, in Hosanna, Ethiopia. Twenty-five healthcare personnel participated in the training, with the expectation that they will later deliver training in their respective local facilities. The four and a half day training covered the Essential Care During Labor and Birth (ECL&B) as well as Essential Newborn Care 1 (ENC) course. These training modules are part of the suite of Helping Mothers and Babies Survive programs developed with leading organizations and in accordance with the most recent WHO guidelines.
The courses are designed to train for the care of mothers and newborns during labor, birth, and the immediate postpartum period. They focus on building the capacity of healthcare teams and utilize a low dose, high-frequency (LDHF) approach. The newborn resuscitation training component using the NeoNatalie Live simulator was conducted remotely from the Laerdal Global Health headquarters in Norway. The remainer of the training was conducted by on-site trainers.
Keeping normal births normal must be considered the prime responsibility of obstetrics care providers. It's a fundamental right of every woman and newborn. We must avoid unnecessary medicalization.
To support the UNICEF Learning Hubs, Laerdal Global Health will distribute more than 2000 simulators and Bleeding After Birth (BABC) educational materials through the Buy One Gift One program. For every birthing simulator purchased through Laerdal Medical for use in a high-income country, a MamaBirthie CS or MamaNatalie simulator is provided to support a partner program in a low-income country. The simulators will be used to enhance the impact of the UNICEF program.