New partnership aims to improve access to safe surgery for mothers and newborns on the day of birth

Laerdal Global Health has partnered with the World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists (WFSA): a global network bringing together practitioners in this specialized area of medicine. The WFSA work to make safe anaesthesia universally accessible and improve patient care around the world. The aim of the partnership between Laerdal Global Health and WFSA is to specifically improve the quality-of-care mothers and newborns receive on the day of birth when having to undergo surgery.
The partnership is being launched at the 18th World Congress of Anaesthesiologists, held in Singapore between 3rd to 8th March 2024, where WFSA and LGH will make a call for applications from projects who feel they can enhance their impact from receiving birthing simulators, such as the MamaBirthie CS. This simulator allows healthcare providers to practice the skills needed for safe caesarean section.
“We are driven by the mission of helping to save the lives of mothers and newborns, but we don’t do this alone. We do this by partnering with others to try and solve these challenging problems. One of which is access to safe surgery, specifically safe caesarean section. By announcing this opportunity at the WFSA conference, we can reach a wider audience – many of whom are already doing brilliant work to create safer surgery practices that benefit mothers and babies. We know that our solutions, like the MamaBirthie CS, can enhance existing projects through facilitating low-dose high-frequency hands on training that makes healthcare personnel confident and competent when performing or managing caesarean section.”
The call for applications to receive donated birthing simulators is possible thanks to the Buy One Gift One program. For every birthing simulator bought in a high-income country through Laerdal Medical, another is donated to a pool of simulators that Laerdal Global Health distributes to select projects to enhance impact.
To learn more about the work of WFSA, visit:
To learn more about eligibility and the application process for these simulators, click here.