Urgent action needed to accelerate progress
Highlights from the IMNHC 2023 conference

Highlights from the IMNHC 2023 conference
A new report released at the International Maternal Newborn Health Conference (IMNHC) in Cape Town, South Africa shows that global progress in reducing deaths of pregnant women, mothers, and babies has been stagnant for eight years.
4.5 million women and babies die every year during pregnancy, childbirth, or the first weeks after birth – mostly from preventable causes. The key message from the conference was: We need to accelerate progress – now.
While progress aimed at decreasing maternal and newborn mortality has been slower than expected, evidence-based solutions are critical for accelerating impact in the years to come.
The Laerdal Global Health team is back from the International Maternal Newborn Health Conference (IMNHC) in Cape Town, South Africa where more than 1,800 stakeholders from 98 countries came together to accelerate impact and improve maternal and newborn survival.
Laerdal Global Health works together with partners to develop innovative solutions and programs that are implemented in places where the burden of maternal and newborn mortality are greatest. IMNHC was an opportunity to showcase the impact of our programs to a global audience of some of the most influential leaders in global health including 30 delegations from Ministries of Health.
Our two flagship programs, the Safer Births Bundle of Care program in Tanzania and the Saving Little Lives program in Ethiopia were prominently featured at IMNHC and presented by the Global Financing Facility, the Ministries of Health in Tanzania and Ethiopia and our local implementing partners. The programs were presented both in thematic sessions in the conference programs, in a technical marketplace as well as in a separate booth.
The latest data presented from the Safer Births Bundle of Care program show continued trends for significant reduction in newborn and maternal mortality – and that the program is highly cost-effective.
To learn more, please download the Safer Births Bundle of Care report
For a deeper dive into these programs, have a look at these videos:
Together with the World Health Organization and the American Academy of Pediatrics we recently launched a new, updated program for essential newborn care and newborn resuscitation.
The new Essential Newborn Care Course (ENCC) is built on the foundation of the Helping Babies Breathe program. The program is competency-based and provides the foundation for the essential care of every newborn: immediate care at birth, resuscitation when needed, breast milk feeding, thermal care, prevention of infection, recognition, and response to danger signs. Now fully owned by the WHO, it will become the standard newborn program used globally.
Other initiatives
Other programs that have a high potential to accelerate impact were highlighted, including using simulation-based training to strengthen and scale-up midwifery education, training for safer caesarian sections, and how to use simulation-based training to improve quality of care.
We left the conference inspired, committed, and aligned with our partners – working towards our goal of a world where all births are safe, everywhere.
This is the story of Veronica's baby - one of the more than 500 lives saved from the Safer Births Bundle of Care program in Tanzania so far.